COVID-19 information for members

This page has information for Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members about coverage for COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and treatment.

What does the end of the public health emergency mean for you?

The federal COVID-19 public health emergency that started in 2020 ended May 11, 2023.

During the public health emergency, Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) added many health care benefits.

After May 11, 2023, there will be important changes to these benefits. You will get to keep some benefits, while other benefits will stop.

You keep these benefits:


Phone and video visits will continue to be covered for all Health First Colorado and CHP+ members. Check with your provider to see if they do phone or video visits. You can use phone and video visits for routine medical care, therapy and other visits.

COVID-19-related health care


COVID-19 vaccines are a permanent benefit, with no cost, for all members.

  • Adults can get vaccines from pharmacists and other pharmacy licensed staff, or from their primary care provider.
  • Check with your child’s doctor if they offer the vaccine.
  • Find out where to get vaccinated.


COVID-19 testing in a provider’s office (not at-home testing kits) will remain fully covered until Sept. 30, 2024.
You can get free at-home tests only at pharmacies that serve Health First Colorado and CHP+ members until Sept. 30, 2024.

COVID-19 Medications

COVID-19 medications like Paxlovid will remain fully covered until Sept. 30, 2024.

Get treatment for COVID-19.

These services will stop or change:

Rides to certain locations

Non Emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT) benefits will only cover rides to Health First Colorado and CHP+ enrolled providers for covered services. Rides to other community vaccination sites will not be covered.

Prescription Drug and Pharmacy

  • Pharmacists will not be allowed to request a 12-month prior authorization (PA) for medications a member is taking. Contact your provider to request a 12-month prior authorization.
  • Members 21 years and older will need prior authorization from a provider for prescription cough and cold medication.
  • Members must sign for prescriptions to prove they received them.

Reminder: Renewals are starting again

Take Action On Your Health First Colorado Renewal During the COVID-19 pandemic, Health First Colorado stopped disenrolling people who no longer qualified for Health First Colorado and CHP+.

Starting in May 2023, Health First Colorado started annual eligibility checks again. This means when it’s your renewal month, we will check the information we have to see if you still qualify.

Stay covered. Learn about renewals.



